Spring Break has come...and gone. And I would have told you about it sooner, honest I would have, but we have had some major internet problems...like no internet at all at home, since the very day we got home from Spring Break. So...be prepared for post palooza ( my fancy shmancy title for catching up on blogging!) Because, as any teacher or parent knows, MUCH happens in the life of a youngish family during April.
I make no promises of any kind that posts will be in any type of chronological order, only that I hope to write them! Now, back to the topic of this one...Spring Break.
The heart of every child beats a little quicker at the mention of those two words..
Spring Break...(pitter patter, pitter patter) The heart of every teacher nearly goes into
cardiac arrest (beep!beep!beep!) at the mere mention of
Spring Break, we are so excited. So imagine the atmosphere at our house, with two children and two teachers. Gravity did not exist. I should write a quick disclaimer right here ... we get this excited when we have somewhere to go. While we prefer a balmy destination, we are still rather content just to have a destination. Preferably with loved ones. This year did not disappoint.
This year we went to Kentucky with our dear friends, the Grants, ( in case I've not previously introduced you all to them, these people are so special that our children consider each other cousins, and the terms Aunt and Uncle preceed the first names of all four adults to the corresponding kiddos. This being said, our kids do actually realize that they aren't biologically related, which is a good thing, because Isaac is betrothed to their only daughter, Kenna. Yes, that's right, we are very much in favor of arranged marriage.) We began the trip
as soon as school let out Friday afternoon, as we could wait no longer to escape the cold and rain and see our friends. On the way we stopped in Indianapolis for dinner at Bob Evans with Kelly & Hoff ( my sis & brother-in-law). Why Bob Evans you ask? (just pretend you asked, okay?) Because when I asked Grant to think of one thing he
really wanted to do on Spring Break for fun, his answer was,"Let's go to a restaurant, like Bob Evans! Yeah! Let's go to Bob Evans!" The child is just so hard to please.
Then, it was onward to Louisville.
The beginning of our little vacation was spent with the families divided...Mike and Isaac went with Darin, Kohl, and Klay and some other friends to Red River Gorge near Lexington for some hiking and camping. Angie and I opted to stay at her cousin's house in Louisville with Kenna, Kye, and Grant, sleeping in real beds with real showers, and familiarizing ourselves with nearby parks, cupcake shoppes, and gelato shops.