Blog Disclaimer...Read before Proceeding!

BLOG DISCLAIMER... READ THIS BEFORE YOU READ THAT! As I read some of the posts I've written, I realize that they seem quite, well, gushy. Possibly even bordering on bragging over my know, like when you get one of those Christmas letters that make the author's children sound like they deserve a Nobel prize and the title of Miss America all-in-one and you just want to toss your cookies... So here's the disclaimer. The warning. The "Proceed with Caution..." If you look at the little welcome message so cheerfully posted to the lower right, you will note that one of the primary purposes of this blog is that someday my children might read my thoughts and see how much I loved them. We all have these sentimental thoughts about our kiddos now and then. Yes. Even. You. I realize the boys I call my own are FAR from perfect...but they're mine. I love them, and I am proud of only continue if you don't mind a gushy little story now and then. :) Have a great day...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Sick Day = Unexpected Opportunity

Yesterday I posted on this blog for the first time since its launch date in 2008...I spent much of the day experimenting with fonts, colors, know, things that are much more important than laundry, mopping, dinner....
Throughout the day I realized, as I later posted, that I am finding this to be rather enjoyable and may need to give myself a time/frequency limit for this new activity. I really think this is indeed going to be required, as I find myself sitting at the computer even now. Tuesday is a teaching day for I should really be at school actively playing dodgeball and hula hoop freeze tag with my students. And that was the plan, really! You see, last night, Grant looked like this:
Happily playing a game of SORRY! before bed with the rest of us...

Today, however, he looks like this:

The poor little guy has an ear infection and a temperature of 102...thus resulting in a trip to the doctor's, a stop at the pharmacy for antibiotics, and a pitiful little boy on the couch not feeling well at all. Going to the doctor's office entails a  35-40 minute 1-way trip, plus wait time and appointment time.  Therefore, having any kind of chunk of time to be truly productive today is pretty much shot.  At least that's the excuse I'm using for why I'm spending my time on this blog rather than doing the housework I ignored yesterday. Grant may not agree, but I'm labelling his sick day an "Unexpected Opportunity!" Do you think he'll be proud of me for finding the silver lining in his cloud? I suppose he may have appreciated me bringing him juice and toast a little more... Doc says he'll be home
tomorrow as well ~ maybe I can redeem myself as a mother then!  Then again, maybe I'll go see if my boy needs that juice now.


Amanda said...

Hi! Just saw the link to your blog.

Poor little sick guy. Hope he's better soon for all of your sakes!

Anonymous said...

So, how is Grant?? I should have called today but never got around to it. Hopefully he is feeling much better!