Just to preface...this post is pitiful. I know it. This is glaringly pitiful.....but I have experienced a small bit of rejection today, and if you know me, you know I struggle with that. just....a.... bit. ~so, here is my sad, desperate cry...if you happen to glance over this spot, if it makes you smile, laugh, or even roll your eyes, would you please, please, please leave evidence that you saw it (i.e. a comment!) I suspect I may be suffering from a cyberspace complex...unrequited love in blogland. I come home from an evening out and kiss my kids, chat with my husband, and then...just real quick, of course, I do a little check to see if anyone visited my little site. I feel like Shopgirl and NY152 on the movie You've Got Mail (one of my all time favs!) Once again, I am aware that I am pathetic, sad, and needy....but maybe, possibly, might you humor me???
Much Love,
Your blog looks cute:) Don't worry, I hardly ever get comments.
Love the movie reference. I was just quoting that the other day. I think it will be the first movie I watch after finals week is over. :)
I'm here! And I don't hardly ever get comments either, except from you. :)
Tonight is the first time I've read your blog and I love it!
Love you guys and can't wait to see you this weekend.
I always read, I just don't comment alot. I love your humor! It was good to see you tonight. Let me know about the bracelet and how much, thanks
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